At Blick Digital, we help coaching and consulting businesses correctly employ marketing automation tools in their business.
This helps them generate more qualified leads, serve more clients, and get more sales and referrals from existing clients.
We do this by equipping our clients with tried and tested marketing systems along with design that looks amazing, copy that converts and automation that feels personal.
Our professionally-built campaigns make you look like a hero to your prospects and clients.
If you're wondering...

How can I convert more leads into customers?
What can I do to better follow up with prospects and customers?
What type of marketing funnels actually work right now?
How can I create consistent and meaningful experiences for people who come in contact with my business?
...You’re in the right place!
The Blick Digital Team

Brett Farr - Founder
As a top graduate of Arizona State University’s marketing program, Brett loves both traditional marketing and small business direct response marketing. He’s been around the marketing automation space for almost a decade and loves implementing killer automation campaigns for clients. When he’s not working, he’s hanging out with his family or playing soccer.

Morgan Henson - Automation Specialist
Morgan loves creating efficiencies through systems and automation. She has been creating campaigns in Keap Max Classic for the last four years. Her past experiences as an event coordinator, an academic advisor, a marketing coordinator, and a technical support advisor give her a unique ability for implementing campaigns through the lens of these multiple perspectives. When she is not working, she’s educating her son or spending time with family.
The Blick Digital Values

Take action
“Action breeds confidence and courage. Inaction breeds doubt and fear. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
– Dale Carnegie

Never stop learning
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”
– Henry Ford

Be intentional
“Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us.”
– Richie Norton

There's opportunity in challenge
We will face challenges (everyone does) but we are committed to finding the opportunity others will miss.

Version one is better than version none; then iterate and improve
Push projects forward and iterate on improvements to maintain momentum. No one sees the perfect, unlaunched website.

We only work with noble businesses
We only work with established businesses that offer a real service that makes a positive impact on their customers. We don’t work with unethical or ‘get rich quick’ businesses.